Reason of silence

Reason of silence

Why is there no blog entry for the July and for the half of august? Well, the answer is, that my current project where I’m the project manager and and also the leader of a team of software engineers, comes to an end. Currently we implement the last features like reports (reports are very important for transparency and let the customer gain trust in your/his application) or a batch process. Also the data migration and the reports about the migrated…

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From NUnit to MSTest

From NUnit to MSTest

Last week I migrated several projects from NUnit to MSTest. The developers use the Developer version of Microsoft Visual Studio Team System, so they have integrated unit-test support for MSTest. In this post I show you all the problems and work I had to migrate the tests from NUnit to MSTest. Less assert-methods in MSTest In NUnit you have comparison assert methods, exception asserts, more type asserts, more utility asserts and so on (you see what I mean). There already…

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VB-stereotype: Are there programmers who fit any more?

VB-stereotype: Are there programmers who fit any more?

I saw recently the talk “Comparing Java Web Framworks” on and when the speaker talks about JSF, he used the word “VB”. I was a little bit surprised, that also in the java world the VB-stereotype is known. But what about is this VB-stereotype? Are there programmers who fit any more this stereotype? Commonly the stereotype is used for people who don’t know a lot about software developing or engineering and produce really bad code. Whe I use this…

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How to structure code in an unit test

How to structure code in an unit test

When you create your unit tests for a method in the SUT (software under test) you will ask yourself how to structure the code in the test method.I saw two kind of syntaxes which help to structure the code in a unit test method (well, actually there are at least three, but the third syntax is just chaos, so this is definitely not the way how to do it). SEVT-Syntax [code language=”csharp”] [TestFixture] public class ThingTest { [Test] public void…

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First groovy experiences

First groovy experiences

Currently I’m staying at copenhagen at the GR8Conf (Grooy, Grails and Griffon confernence). In the talk of the day by Guillaume Laforge about DSLs he showed the following code: [sourcecode language=”groovy”] class CurrencyAmount { Number amount String currency String toString() { "$amount $currency" } } Number.metaClass.getEuros {-> new CurrencyAmount(amount:delegate, currency:"EUR")} 10.euros //Output: 10 EUR [/sourcecode] It is really interesting to see where in the java world the language evolvement happend. It’s a bit similiar (I’m careful here, because I do…

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